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Bu balıklar yürüyor

Bu balıklar yürüyor

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Bu balıklar yürüyor
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Avustralya'nın Tazmanya adasında yürüyen balıklar türüne ait yeni bir canlı keşfedildi. [Resim: 2.gif]Pembe renge sahip olan ve dört yüzgecinin üzerinde, okyanusun dibinde yürüyerek ilerleyen 'el balığı', daha önce bu türde keşfedilen 14 ayrı balığın bulunduğu ailenin en son üyesi.

Uzmanlar, bu türün 1999 yılından beri keşfedilen ilk pembe balık olduğunu ifade ediyor. Balığın biyolojik yapısı ve vücut özellikleriyle ilgili yapılan araştırma sonucunda doğada daha önce karşılaşılmamış bir tür olduğu ortaya çıktı.

Uzmanlar ayrıca okyanusun dibinde yüzmek yerine yürüyerek ,ilerleyen bu balığın yakın zamanda keşfedilen benzer 9 türün bir parçası olduğunu kaydediyor.
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Bu balıklar yürüyor
Since the 18th century parade mature since the birth, as long as the Soviet Union and Soviet-style parade,ghds those who hold this country fully inherited the significance of the ceremony was originally included. There's 70 years of Soviet history, the parade up to 190 times repeatedly. The most prominent ancient significance of the parade through the small show of force, making people suffer a baptism of patriotism, national defense to the world the strength of the weak. Continue to speak in this sense alone, the Soviet military parade on Red Square is undoubtedly the highest in the world. People in the parade on the square foot first felt the strict and uniform way of the march and the mighty weak.ghd hair This stems from the old Prussian army drill pace, because when the soldiers marched outside the public resembling a goose were walking dubbed the "goose step." From the date of birth, is considered the way of training the performance of military discipline and norms of practice can severely. About half of the 19th century, military transformation, Czarist Russia absorbed the Prussian goose-training practices, set himself the way of the training system. Later, ghd pink the Soviet Red Army to overthrow the old regime, but also the way of the Russian Empire to stop the improvement of the times. See a uniform phalanx of soldiers marching in goose, accompanied by "unbreakable union" of the melody of great strength and vigor, it will happen naturally, but from awe.

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